Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth: Victim or villain? Essay

Is Macbeth an evil, ruthless villain or the hapless victim of the ambition and deceit of others? Discuss. In this essay I shall be discussing whether Macbeth is a villain or a victim. I will also be considering to what extent the witches and Lady Macbeth are at fault to the downfall of Macbeth. Throughout the play we see that the witches symbolise evil and were able to regain Macbeth’s trust. The evil sisters manage to deceive him by telling the truth. They acted as the catalyst in of the evil deeds that sped up the events in the play. I believe this as they say riddles that confused Macbeth, but they did not tell him what actions he should take in response to what they said. In this case he decided to explore with these hazardous materials of poison that the witches lay out in front of him. Their words were so tempting that he could not resist. They are the first part of the equation to Macbeth’s misery. He acted on impulse and came up with his own conclusion with the help of his sinister wife, Lady Macbeth. I believe that the witches did play a part in what happened to Macbeth; however I would not say that he was at complete fault. For example, they tricked him with the first prophecy of him being crowned ‘Thane of Cawdor’ which inevitably became true. Furthermore the witches are known as the devil’s workers; therefore we know that they had the power to make him do terrible things. When they meet the solider, Macbeth, for the first time, it did not happen by chance. The witches always knew when they were going to see Macbeth. Their first encounter was in Act 1 Scene 1, ‘There to meet Macbeth’. This shows that they knew where and when they were going to meet. The word ‘There’ emphases the place of meet. This can be argued that what they had to say was even more believable in Macbeth’s eyes. Also shown later, is when they meet the Thane for the second time in Act 4, Scene 1. They are already at the meeting place, waiting for Macbeth’s arrival. They meet him and promise to answer his questions, where he becomes obsessed over what they tell him. Similarly, this shows that they always knew what state of mind he was in. Therefore I believe that they knew the ‘correct’ words to say, which would make him believe them and rely on them which made him become dependant on them. We see this dependence increase towards the end of the play. Having said this, ultimately Macbeth had a choice whether or not to believe them and their powerful words of misery. The weird sisters tricked him with their riddles, but they did not tell him that he should kill King Duncan, to become King himself. He listened to their words and jumped to his own conclusion with the help of his ambitious wife. As his eagerness took over his mind he did not consider waiting to see what would happen without him meddling. One of Macbeth’s failings was that he was foolish in continuing to trust in the witches, which is shown when he kills the Scottish King and revisits the witches for he second time. In the play, Lady Macbeth is portrayed as an ambitious, cunning and cold-hearted woman who has greedy aspirations who will do anything within her power that will accomplish her deepest desires. She has a burning passion that is craving inside of her that needs to be acknowledged and appreciated by others around her. This resulted in her ambitious actions, thoughts and words of the horrendous murder of Duncan. I feel that she acts as the catalyst who speeds up the events leading up to the murder of the rightful King, which is the second part of the equation. She is a conspirator even if she didn’t finally commit the murder where she was a woman who had a lack of compassion. Lady Macbeth challenges her husband’s manhood several times in the play. This can be seen when she says, ‘Yet do I fear they nature, It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness, To catch the nearest way.’ She believes that he is soft and possibly weak and that he is too good natured for a man who has just come back from winning the battle. She does not see the difference between killing an opposition in the battlefield and the King, to her it is the same thing. This highlights her cold-heart and her greed of aspiration. This also shows how manipulative and dominating she was over her husband. Here she also suggested that his conscience gets in the way and that he gets nervous and worried at the first hurdle. She confronts his manhood yet again, except this time he responds to her wilt, ‘We will proceed no further in this business.’ After his wife’s best efforts to convince him into committing the murder he puts his foot down and dismisses her craving for ambition. Despite her manipulation Macbeth does not wish to kill the King as they are cousins. Furthermore, it can be seen that he wants to continue enjoying the praises that he is receiving from winning the battle. If he commits the murder he will lose all good opinions of him for the fellow noblemen. It will also stop him gaining a higher position in the hierarchy. Lady Macbeth continues to push her husband into committing the crime, ‘And live a coward in thine own act and valour’. She tells him that he is coward for not being able to kill the King. She does not understand why he would want to act as a hero when he has a chance of having the greatest power that they could only ever dream about. Having said this he is only seen as a coward in her eye as he does not do the bad deed that she wishes. Macbeth becomes restless with her doubting his masculinity, ‘Prithee, peace, I dare do all that may become a man’. Here he is telling her that he is a man and that he does have the courage of a man and he refers again back to the battle. Just because he does not want to kill the king does not make him any less of a man. Just because he is not King does not mean that he is not a man. He does not need that status to define him to be a man. Another reason as to why he did not want to kill Duncan is because he would be going against God’s wishes. When this play was written it was believed that the King was chosen by God and that it was God that made that choice and if you did not agree with the King then you were disagreeing against God. The King gained the authority of not having to justify himself to his kingdom when he made decisions. Therefore it was seen as the ultimate sin to perpetrate. She once more confronts Macbeth over his manliness as she says, ‘To love the baby that milks me: / I would, while it was smiling in my face, / Have pluck’d the brains out, had I sworn / As you have done to this.’ Here she confronts him about when he gave his word to her that he would do the terrible deed. Using powerful, emotive words she is trying to make Macbeth commit the murder. Lady Macbeth continues to try and conjole Macbeth by telling him that she would murder her very own baby if she had given her word. By using such an extreme example like this, it just shows how much she wanted to become Queen. Here it shows that she would do anything within her power to become Queen. She did not want to stop for any cause. To an extent, the implication given here is that she is more of a man that he is, which demonstrates that she is trying to belittle him, by using such an extreme example. ‘Unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull, of dinest cruelty.’ This shows that in this point in the play she appears to be even more cruel and heartless than Macbeth. Her restless desire of ambition, power and status overcame her mind that she wanted all of her womanly powers to decease from her body at that very moment in time. Which comes to a shock to the audience as this would have been unusual behaviour for a woman to wish these things. This quote also shows the masculinity of her mind. She suggests that she is preparing herself to commit the murder. She is saying that her womanly features and behaviour are stopping her from performing such a violent sin that she connects with manly behaviour. He allowed himself to be pushed and controlled by his wife. He could have put a firm stop to it, but he failed. In the back of his mind he wanted to do all the things that she wished, if he did not he would not have let her walk over him. In the play, Macbeth’s character changes throughout the play. At the beginning we see that he is a loyal and kind man who has respect and dignity for King Duncan, where he is a brave warrior. However, this soon changes when he begins to interact with the witches. Temptation and ambition kick in when he starts to befriend the witches. The witches trick him with the first prophecy as it comes true without him having to do anything. From here on, it is as though he trusts the witches automatically. As the first prophecy is quite small, with him becoming the ‘Thane of Cawdor’ the prophecies that follow increase in ‘size’ where power and status also increase with each prophecy. He becomes so anxious to become King himself that he was prepared to take an unlawful path. However, he does not realise that they deceive him with more important, like him becoming King and warning that they give him about Macduff. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth. We see that she succeeds in manipulating him into the sinful crime of killing the rightful king. She manages to overcome the objections that he has towards the murder. When he resists he continually challenges his masculinity until he proves her wrong. We see that she is eager to be Queen and that she uses all arguments within her power to persuade him to carry the murder through. It is, as though she knows his weakness and uses them to her advantage. She knew which buttons to press in order to get what she wanted. He is seen to be weaker than he should be and allows Lady Macbeth to sway his better judgement. When he went into battle he was a leader of men, however this changes when he comes out of battle. He loses that control and Lady Macbeth takes over. She manages to take control, not through sexual means but through a deeper, darker more masculine manner. She takes charge of her husband and he obeys. Having said this Macbeth is ambitious, he is more taken by the witches than Banquo. They both had their first encounter with the ‘weird sisters’ at the same time, however Banquo did not wish to take notice of them, he had the willpower to say no, whereas Macbeth fell for their words. He ultimately had a choice whether or not to believe them. Banquo did not trust their intentions, ‘The instruments of darkness tell us truths; win us with honest triffles, to betray’s, In deepest consequence’ the agents of evil, the witches, told them simple truths so that they trust them. Here Banquo explains that they grab their ‘victims’ attention by telling these simple truths so that they trust them, which unavoidably become true. Once they had their ‘victim’ wanting more they began to complicate the riddles, which in this case was Macbeth where he became confused Macbeth, which made him take actions that were unnecessary. Adding to this, it is hard to understand how he had allowed himself to be controlled by his wife. Especially as he was a leader of men, not so long ago. It shows that as ambition and loyalty come together with guilt only one will win. Also showing that it is hard to control these factors when they come together. We can see the terrible outcome that it has on him. It shows that Macbeth had a lack of control and self-control. He wanted to succeed and gain power and status as much as his wife. If he did not have that drive in him he would not have killed the king. It just shows that he wanted to do the bad deed. This can be seen when he does not dismiss the idea of killing Duncan, ‘Not cast aside so soon.’ Here it shows that he has not made up his mind about what he wants to do, but he did not exclude this idea. In his defence, this could signify that he still hopes to become king in a legitimate manner. In the play we see that it is women that take control of Macbeth. They dominate the play. It begins with the witches, and it ends with the suicide of Lady Macbeth. Women have had the upper hand throughout the play. It is as though, going into battle made Macbeth see life in a different manner. As we do not know what he was like before going into the battle we cannot be sure of how true this judgement is. Having said this I feel that, the battle did make him soft inside, and that he may have wanted a better reward and that being crowned a Thane was not enough. In the back of his mind ambition was craving and growing like a disease. He wanted to do something for himself and he found that killing Duncan was the best thing for him and his wife. As his ambition increases he becomes more brutal and less reflective and his sympathy is lost. Killing Banquo is less serious than killing the King, however it was not just Banquo who was killed, and it was also his son Fleance. As well as this the murder of Lady Macduff and her children were also arranged. He arranged to have them killed as he acted on what the witches had told him before. The witches warned him about Macduff, so he decided to have him killed. As the fellow nobleman was there, out of anger he had his family killed. Having looked at all of the arguments, I believe that Macbeth is at fault for his downfall. There are many factors in the play that contributed to his failure, however Macbeth did not take control of the situation. He allowed himself to be caught up in the commotion of the witches and his motivated wife. He let others take control and tell him what to do, which can be seen as ironic as he was a leader himself. The only difference is that he led men and women now lead him. Macbeth was always ambitious, he won the battle and he listened and acted on what the witches had said. I believe that he acted on what they told him as he let his heart do the talking. He wanted a quick result without having to wait. In the back of his mind I believe that he did know the consequence of murdering the king, nevertheless he still acted on his passion. However, at the end of the play, we see Macbeth meet his death by his rival Macduff. In conclusion I believe that he is to blame for his own downfall and the misery that he and others suffered.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Prohibition: The So-Called war on drugs Essay

†¢ Nick Possum: In the thrall of the monster drug barons It is also obvious that so much of the government propaganda regarding those fine sacred herbs Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa is just bullshit. †¢ Alcohol worse than ecstasy on shock new drug list The position of ecstasy near the bottom of the list was defended by Prof Nutt, who said that apart from some tragic isolated cases ecstasy is relatively safe. Despite about a third of young people having tried the drug and around half a million users every weekend, it causes fewer than 10 deaths a year. One person a day is killed by acute alcohol poisoning and thousands more from chronic use. †¢ Marijuana Delivery Services Flourish In NYC †¢ Scientific American: Large Study Finds No Link between Marijuana and Lung Cancer †¢ Nathan Guttman: Israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade †¢ Law Enforcement Against Prohibition After nearly four decades of fueling the U. S. policy of a war on drugs with over half-a-trillion tax dollars and increasingly punitive policies, our confined population has quadrupled over a 20 years period making building prisons this nation’s fastest growing industry. More than 2. 2 million of our citizens are currently incarcerated and every year we arrest an additional 1. 6 million for nonviolent drug offenses — more per capita than any country in the world. The United States has 4. 6 percent of the population of the world but 22. 5 percent of the world’s prisoners. Every year we choose to continue this war will cost U. S. taxpayers another 69 billion dollars. Despite all the lives we have destroyed and all the money so ill spent, today illicit drugs are cheaper, more potent, and far easier to get than they were 35 years ago at the beginning of the war on drugs. Meanwhile, people continue dying in our streets while drug barons and terrorists continue to grow richer than ever before. We would suggest that this scenario must be the very definition of a failed public policy. This madness must cease! †¢ Inquiry into drug trial that became a nightmare †¢ Sheryl Jackson-Sczbecki: Marijuana — Through The Haze †¢ Peter Dale Scott: o The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11 o A Ballad of Drugs and 9/11 †¢ 15 Ways the Auto Industry Would Change if it Operated Like Drug Companies. Just say No to drugs — from Pfizer, Merck, Roche and the other major drug pushers. †¢ Marcia Angell, M. D: The Truth About the Drug Companies In 2002 †¦ the combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35. 9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33. 7 billion). †¢ Chris Largen’s satirical novel JUNK is â€Å"a riotous exploration of prohibition. † †¢ The Narco News Bulletin †¢ Oscar Heck: Chavez Frias not losing much sleep over the USA’s intent to â€Å"punish† Venezuela (Also here.) I believe that the DEA and other US-based organizations such as USAID, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity, the Center for International Private Enterprise, the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs are fronts for the CIA †¦ and that a part of the CIA’s job is to assure that 1) drug exports to the USA are not halted 2) that this drug trade is controlled by the US government. †¢ 2005-07-31: Oregon Anti-Meth Bill Aimed at Cold Meds. The Senate on Saturday approved a plan to make Oregon the first state in the nation to require a prescription for many cold and allergy medicines, an attempt by lawmakers to shut down methamphetamine labs. †¦ The legislation would require prescriptions by mid-2006 for medicines containing pseudoephedrine and two similar substances, which are used in such popular medicines as Sudafed, Claritin and Theraflu. †¢ Jeanne Lenzer and Nicholas Pyke: Woman Commits Suicide While Testing New Antidepressant. Was Traci Johnson Driven To Suicide By Antidepressants? That’s A Trade Secret, Say US Officials †¢ Jennifer Moody, Albany Democrat-Herald, 2005-06-21: Retired DEA agent will run for sheriff Carl F. Worden, Liaison Officer for the Southern Oregon Militia comments: Please get this out to anyone you know in Linn County Oregon: You’ve got a guy running for Sheriff in Linn County by the name of Michael Spasaro, a former DEA Agent. Don’t vote for this guy unless you want a Sheriff who has no use for the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. I know of this guy, and I know some of the federal drug cases he worked on. He is NOT a guy you want as Sheriff. The Sheriff of a county is the only constitutionally elected official who has the power to curtail illegal federal actions in a given county. With his record, you can throw the Constitution right out the door if he becomes your Sheriff. †¢ 2005-06-23: Federal agents fan out to bust medicinal marijuana providers †¢ America’s War on Cannabis: PostModern Witch Burning †¢ You’ve Been Drafted: Uncle Sam Wants You for the War on Drugs. According to US Congressman Sensenbrenner’s draconian mandatory minimum sentencing bill: If you â€Å"witness† certain drug offenses taking place or â€Å"learn† that they took place you would have to report the offense to law enforcement within 24 hours and provide â€Å"full assistance† in the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of the people involved. Failure to do so would be a crime punishable by a mandatory two year prison sentence. †¢ 2005-05-27: Bali court sentences Corby to 20 years in jail Prosecutors had demanded life in jail for Corby, who has argued the 4. 1 kg (9 lb) of drugs found by Bali airport officials in her unlocked bag last year were planted. †¢ Sydney Morning Herald, 2005-05-15: PM has left [Schapelle] Corby out to dry: Democrats [Registration required. ] Party leader Lyn Allison said the Government’s letter outlining drug-trafficking allegations among Australian airport baggage handlers should have been sent much earlier. †¢ Nate Blakeslee: The People Left Behind: Elaine Bartlett & Life on the Outside †¢ The Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. Major studies of drugs and drug policy, information on the â€Å"War on Drugs†, charts and graphs of Drug War statistics, US government publications related to drug policy, historical research on drugs and drug policy, the drug legalization debate, and much more. †¢ 2005-04-20: MS Victims to Get Cannabis Drug in Canada A cannabis-based medicine formulated by a UK company to help sufferers of multiple sclerosis has been approved for use for the first time — in Canada. †¢ BBC, 2005-04-18: US church’s illegal tea faces ban The Supreme Court is to consider whether a US branch of a Brazilian religion can import an hallucinogenic tea used as a sacrament. †¢ Kerre Woodham, 2005-04-17: Stakes high in Corby saga You can’t help but feel sympathy for Schapelle Corby, the 27-year-old Australian woman at the centre of a drugs trial in Bali. Surely she cannot have been so stupid as to try to smuggle 4kg of marijuana into Bali, where it would sell for less than it does on the streets of Australia. †¢ R. William Davis: The Elkhorn Manifesto †¦ Marijuana Prohibition was created in 1937, not to protect society from the â€Å"evils of the drug Marijuana,† as the Federal government claimed, but as an act of deliberate economic and industrial sabotage against the re-emerging Industrial Hemp Industry. †¢ Peter Dale Scott: A Post-Election Wrap-Up: Iraq, 9/11, Drugs, Cheney, and Watergate Two †¢ Four Alberta RCMP officers killed during raid Four RCMP officers were shot and killed after conducting a raid on a marijuana grow operation northwest of Edmonton on Thursday [2005-03-03]. †¢ David Adam, The Guardian, UK: Ecstasy trials for combat stress American soldiers traumatised by fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are to be offered the drug ecstasy to help free them of flashbacks and recurring nightmares. †¦ Several studies in the US are planned or are under way to investigate whether MDMA, LSD and psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can treat conditions ranging from obsessive compulsive disorder to anxiety in terminal cancer patients. †¢ Court allows drug-sniffing dogs during traffic stops The Supreme Court yesterday expanded police power to conduct searches, ruling that an officer who stops a motorist for a routine traffic violation can use a drug-sniffing dog to detect narcotics in the vehicle, even if the officer had no reason to suspect the car would contain drugs. The decision, in an Illinois case, gives law enforcement the authority to use drug-detecting dogs in the course of any minor traffic stop. †¢ J. Orlin Grabbe: The Function of the Drug War The function of the Drug War is to create the Drug Crisis. The Drug Crisis involves billions of dollars in hidden cash flow. Addicted to this flow of money are law enforcement agencies, drug producers and distributors, covert agencies who use it as a source of black funding, and politicians and bankers who are hired to protect the drug revenues. Addiction to drug revenues requires that the drug war be fought so as to be lost. Failure thus becomes the criterion of success. †¢ UK Guardian, 2004-10-13: MPs back legalisation ‘road map’ MPs, peers and former police officers are to back the publication today of the first ever report outlining a â€Å"detailed road map† to the legalisation of drugs in Britain. †¦ Transform’s director, Danny Kushlick, predicted that drugs would be legalised in the not-too-distant future because prohibition had been a catastrophe of startling proportions †¦ †¢ Pot Blocks Cancer-causing Herpes. Ingredient responsible for marijuana’s high could be the basis for new antiviral drugs †¢ Huge Ecstasy Bust Do Israelis control most of the world trade in MDMA? †¢ A Brief History of the Regulation of Controlled Drugs in Britain — Chapter 3 of the Fourth Report of the Shipman Enquiry (2001-2004). †¢ Colin Brown: Opium trade booms in ‘basket-case’ Afghanistan [This] will prove highly embarrassing for Tony Blair, who cited cutting the supply of heroin as one of the main reasons for the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 †¦ †¢ Doctors’ strike in Israel good for health. According to the American Medical Association, adverse reactions to prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals are a leading cause of death and injury in the United States. †¦ As of this writing, there is a doctors strike in Israel. The death rate has fallen so sharply during the strike that the Israeli funeral parlors and burial associations are complaining. †¢ Glen Yeadon: Ambassador of Death, Right-Wing Death Squads, Drug Smuggling: George Bush’s Plan for Iraq †¢ Christopher Largen: A History of Medical Marijuana †¢ ‘DRUG’ OR SACRAMENT? YOUR RIGHT TO DECIDE About the 1999 police raid on the Dutch Santo Daime Church. †¢ Drug report barred by FDA — Scientist links antidepressants to suicide in kids It seems that the â€Å"war on drugs† does not apply to drugs which are making millions for the pharmaceutical companies. †¢ Xymphora: More on George and Drugs †¢ Cannabis online: click now and it’s with you in 24 hours On Thursday [2004-01-29] British drug law underwent its most radical shakeup for decades when cannabis was downgraded to class C. Although simple possession is unlikely to lead to prosecution in most cases, the drug remains illegal and dealing or possession with intent to supply will carry a maximum 14-year prison sentence. But a Guardian investigation has established that at least five large-scale online cannabis vendors are operating in this country, in competition with more established Dutch sites. As a result, the drug has never been so easy to buy online. A copy of (almost) the entire Serendipity website is available on CD-ROM. Details here. Prohibition: The So-Called War on Drugs Page One Page Three A Drug War Reading List Civil Asset Forfeiture Serendipity Home Page http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/17/AR2007081701716. html.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Relations in the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Relations in the world - Essay Example The United Kingdom naturally enjoys several benefits out of this approach of coalition with the US and Europe simultaneously, while promoting the transatlantic cooperation. However, meeting the costs of the special relationship as well as balancing the coalition with the US and Europe has not been easy for the British government. The stance of providing unprecedented support to the US actions and policies has led to the growth of scepticism in the European Union as well as among the British public and party members. This paper elaborates the US-UK special relationship in the context of enhancing collaboration between the US and Europe. It then examines the cost and benefits associated with this stance of British government. The post cold war period signifies a new geopolitical scenario encompassing the Western world. There have been conflicts, as well as concordance on world issues affecting the state of relations shared by nations. The United Kingdom, not only geographically but also politically, finds itself intimately connected with the European world and the historical 'special relationship' with the United States driven by the nations' commonly shared interests and objectives. This transatlantic relationship not only affects the British foreign policy but also influences the dimensions of relationship between the United States and the European Union. The British government, in effect, regards itself as playing a bridging role between the United States and the Europe. This relationship, according to Wallace (2005, p55), "conjures up an image of British ministers and diplomats explaining European international politics to American leaders, and interpreting American foreign policy to European governments". The British prime ministers historically have been playing eminent role in bringing European countries closer to the United States. It also happens to be an important aspect of Britain's foreign policy for the current Prime Minister Tony Blair, to balance the British relationship with the United States and the European countries as well as to promote cooperation between the US and Europe. Hence, the government undertakes rigorous efforts as a part of its foreign policy to enhance this multilateral collaboration. The historic relationship between the US and UK was further bolstered up by the 9/11 event and the United States' subsequent war on terror, whereupon Britain provided full military and political support to the American stance to wage war on Afghanistan and then Iraq. Dumbrell (2006, pp. 456-457) asserts that Tony Blair has succeeded in developing a "special relationship" with the United States channelled through its support for the war on terror; hence projecting it as the greatest US ally. The Britain's stance for bridging relationship between the US and the Europe certainly implies increasing collaboration between these countries and communicating the need to enhance multilateral cooperation leading to the achievement of their national interests. Benefit And Costs Of The Approach The approach of playing a 'bridging role' between the US and Europe relations procures significant geopolitical gains to the United Kingdom. Britain aspires to maintain its influence over the international politics and policies, but lacks resources to accomplish this objective.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Motivational Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Motivational Strategies - Essay Example Our goal is to be the leading company in our line of operation and to position our brand as the best in the market. Our main objective is to offer quality and value to our clients. What distinguishes us from our competitors is the ability to attract and retain the best talent around. This makes our brand outstanding among the many brands in the market. We do not only offer a place of work to our employee but what we offer is exciting careers full of challenges, growth and rewards. Our employees improve their ability every day through guidance, training, and knowledge diffusion through teamwork. According to Sarkis et al. (2010), knowledge diffusion is a learning process in which one learns through interaction with both people and the work he does. For this to be possible and effective, our Human Resource Management department believes that good and effective motivation strategies are paramount. To be effective in our motivation strategies we plan, design, update, implement, and evalu ate our motivation strategies every now and then. This makes sure that we always remain relevant to our employees in terms of the motivations we give them as well as determining what is best for our company. When choosing a motivation strategy it is wise to determine the approach, which will maximize employees’ job satisfaction while remaining corporate cost effective (Gaspar 2005). To achieve this we undertake both qualitative and quantitative research on our motivation strategies before implementing them. A key principle of motivation is that people are motivated to pursue and satisfy their needs. This shows that as peoples’ needs increase so will they become more and more motivate in order to satisfy (Berman et al, 2009). To be in line with this principle we conduct research to identify the needs of various categories of our people and incorporate our findings to our motivation strategy. We also understand the difference in the needs of various categories of our emp loyees and thus we do not apply the same motivation strategy to all the categories. There are two kinds of motivation strategies, which are intrinsic motivation strategy and extrinsic motivation strategy (Armstrong 2009). Intrinsic motivation strategy involves factors that influence people is to behave in a particular way like a sense of responsibility, autonomy, the scope of use and develop skills and abilities, interesting and challenging work and opportunities for career advancement. Extrinsic motivation strategy involves what I done to or for people in order to motivate them (Armstrong 2006). Purpose of motivational strategies Our motivational strategies purpose to encourage our people to put more effort in their work, with an objective of assisting the organization to achieve its goals. They also purpose to encourage to continually improving their skills and abilities which might make them earn promotions. This would enable the company to enjoy a pool of experienced and knowled geable employees. The strategies also aim to improve the productivity of the employees in their day to day activities thus increase the company’s output. They also purpose to make the employees to be proud of working in this company which in return increases the company’s ability to retain them The scope of these motivational strategies Intrinsic motivation strategies We give our employees opportunities to practice their abilities and interests in a challenging work environment. We offer our employees opportunities to advance their career through on-job training and mentorship and offer them room for growth and promotion. We offer our workers a sense of responsibility by giving them the chance to be in control of their own learning and improvements. Extrinsic motiva

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Pricing and Distribution in Marketing Decisions Essay - 1

Pricing and Distribution in Marketing Decisions - Essay Example This paper illustrates that for many years, the Ford Escort was among the top-selling automobiles in America. The Ford Motor Company uses the value pricing strategy to gain a market share in the global market. This strategy has been used as an initial step of eliminating the common costly customer returns. This initiative seeks to enhance the customer’s buying experience with a view to curbing the distrust in relation to the sale of retail cars. It is for this reason that the Ford Motor Company has at one time tried low-pricing on its vehicle models including the Ford Escort. Such moves are meant to increase the profit margins of the company. As a result, the scantly equipped models were eliminated. They were then replaced with fairly loaded automobiles which had comparable prices. The company eventually witnessed increased sales. A true account is that production of vehicles with similar options increases manufacturing efficiency. A number of models irrespective of the model style were sold for the same price. As much as many consumers around the world found it hard to believe the existence of such an offer, they still went ahead to purchase the products. Ford has also used price discrimination for instance in Great Britain and Belgium to maximize its profits. This pricing strategy makes economic sense in light of imposing different charges for different countries. The Toyota Motor company also used the price discrimination strategy. The Lexus Es was therefore sold for different prices for instance in the US as compared to the European countries. Toyota has also employed the predatory pricing strategy to market the Lexus Es as a luxury car. This strategy has been very common with Japanese companies. Toyota takes advantage of its profitable position in Japan. Toyota has since used its strong profit position in Japan to subsidize the aggressive pricing in other markets across the world. Predatory pricing has since received sharp criticisms from market sha reholders across the globe.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Restaurant and catering management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Restaurant and catering management - Essay Example They had a duty of ensuring consistency of high-quality service and food preparation. On the other hand, food requirement estimation, orders placement with distributors, delivery schedules of supplies and fresh food rests upon them. The assistant manager ensured that guest services are positive in all areas of the restaurant. Besides, the manager had a responsibility of responding quickly to complain raised by the restaurant guests. They ensured that appropriate actions take place to make guests that were dissatisfied with the services offered to make decisions of returning to the restaurant next time. The assistant manager had a challenge of complying with the restaurant standards and service levels to reduce costs and increase sales. They ensured minimization of cost relating to supply, beverage, food, labor and utility. Moreover, they made sure that the accomplishment of all financial reports, invoices, payroll and administrative duties take place on time and accurately in accordance with the procedures and policies of the restaurant. In addition, the managers provided strong and active presence in the restaurant to the people of San Francisco. On the other hand, they also ensured that the restaurant including the personnel incorporated high-level involvement of the population of San Francisco thus giving the restaurant a positive image to the public. The managers had a responsibility of developing employees by providing them with feedback, carrying out performance reviews, and performance establishment expectation of the restaurant. They also directed employees regarding procedural and operational issues as well as directing hiring, development, supervision, and when they consider it necessary, they order employee’s termination. When the restaurant absorbs new employees, they orient them and oversee their training. The assistant

Sunday, August 25, 2019

An introduction for the germination experiment Lab Report

An introduction for the germination experiment - Lab Report Example Seed germination process is comprised of several steps. First, the seed absorbs water from the surrounding environment through osmosis. Water absorbed activates enzymes, increases the rate of respiration and leads to duplication of plant cells. Secondly, the chemical energy stored as starch is converted to sugar and serves the embryo as food during the process of germination. The embryo is nourished and enlarged resulting in seed coat burst. Lastly, a root tip known as the radicle emerges from the seed and grows downwards to anchor the seed. The radicle enables the embryo to absorb water and minerals from the soil (Jirage 1). A study on the effects of treatment on seed germination will be carried out as a laboratory experiment. The experiment will involve a non-dominant maize seed and a treatment acid. The experiment will comprise three setups. The first set-up will involve low level of the acid and the second will contain high levels of the acid. The third set-up will be a control- experiment that will not involve any treatment. Pre-treating with an appropriate concentration of Gibberellic acid (hormone G A3) plays an import role in the induction of tolerance to salinity. Additionally, it helps the seed overcome the environmental stress, such as osmotic effects, nutritional imbalance and ionic toxicity. This can be achieved through strong root and shoot length that gives a response to salt stress (Jamil

Can Warfare be Anything Other than Barbaric Essay

Can Warfare be Anything Other than Barbaric - Essay Example Above all, it is important to define ‘barbarism’. This essay uses the following definition given by R.G. Collingwood (1942): By barbarism I mean hostility towards civilisation; the effort, conscious or unconscious, to become less civilised than you are, either in general or in some special way, and, so far as in you lies, to promote a similar change in others.2 Hence the major question is, is warfare really barbaric? Most people will answer ‘yes’. Human lives are slaughtered, and usually in huge numbers. War is a nightmare. However, it is important to deeply analyse this belief, because people’s thoughts about warfare on the whole and about the actions of combatants rely greatly on how human beings are slaughtered and on who these victims are. In that case, maybe, the most appropriate way to depict the barbarism of warfare is basically to argue that there are no restraints at these thoughts: human beings are butchered with every imaginable cruelty, an d people from all walks of life, regardless of sex, age, or moral state, are slaughtered.3 This image of war is vividly portrayed by Karl von Clausewitz in his book On War. It is his pioneering descriptions that have influenced the thoughts of subsequent scholars. There are some unrealistic individuals who think that morality and war are unable to coexist. War is barbaric, they argue, war is inhuman; in its existence it is bizarre, virtually nonsensical, to evoke morality. The truth is, as most people usually overlook, and at times are not aware of, morality is basically a norm of a culture. It is a set of rules which is in uninterrupted movement. However, in an integral and meaningful way morality represents the actions or behaviour of a society’s majority.4 Hence implicit, it is evident that in the contemporary period warfare still has dealings with morality. That there actually such a thing as morality of warfare, and that almost all enlightened and civilised cultures esse ntially share a particular traditional rule regarding the deeds which may or may not be committed in warfare, has been quite evidently witnessed throughout contemporary wars. This moral rule is generally claimed to be rooted in international policies and agreements. However, is it the common moral rule which is deep-seated, and international rule is simply an effort to put that morality into effect. In view of these arguments, a look at the continuous barbarisation of warfare from the 19th to the 20th century, which modern scholars examined, is important. Evolutions in the conduct of warfare have been erratic, and this relates as well, perhaps mostly, to their impacts and to how these are viewed.5 Perspectives on barbarism in warfare is subjected to cultural standards, and the beliefs based on these, like the total number of deaths caused by war, in relation to deaths caused by other actions. Furthermore, the practice of warfare since the Roman period did not evolve in a single dire ction from crude warfare towards more sophisticated techniques or the larger study of limitations on warfare, or a grander warfare. Rather, the transformation of warfare ebbed and flowed intensely. What the world witnessed after the mayhem that swelled in Europe with the fall of the West Roman Empire and the measured rebuilding and modernisation of an expanded civilisation with recognised rules is primarily lethargic but, since the 19th century, continuous development with ‘

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Films - Essay Example The Godfather is one of the popular 70’s movies that many love to this date. (Lee and Waterman 2) The 70’s was an age of producing films that represent an era full of passion, love, science fiction and nostalgia of television miniseries. The movies from the 1970’s still remain excellent movies attraction due to the music, the movie sequence, the dressing and culture that is well illustrated. These films represent a dawn in production of superb movies, which are copied and parodied of the 70’s lifestyle. However, the movies in today’s times still have that courage and toughness in production of movies that have hit the market at a wider scale. Movies like the Titanic and Avatar have won world wide recognition from many audiences, and the movie industry is still growing more and more. Lee, Sang-woo, and David Waterman. â€Å"Theatrical Feature Film Trade in the United States, Europe, and Japan since the 1950s: An Empirical Study of the Home Market Effect.† Journal of Media Economics 20.3

Friday, August 23, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Female Genital Mutilation - Essay Example It can result in death through severe bleeding leading to haemorrhage shock, neurogenic shock as a result of pain and trauma and/or severe and overwhelming infection and septicaemia. It is routinely traumatic. Other harmful effects include: Failure to heal; abscess formation; cysts; excessive growth of scar tissue; urinary tract infection; scar neuroma; painful sexual intercourse; increased susceptibility to HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases; reproductive tract infection; pelvic inflammatory diseases; infertility; painful menstruation; chronic urinary tract obstruction/ bladder stones; urinary incontinence; obstructed labour and increased risk of bleeding and infection during childbirth. (Harrison 2001) Female genital mutilation/cutting is a fundamental violation of the rights of children and women as outlined in numerous international conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. (WHO 2005) As a health professional who is culturally sensitive I would advise her to stick to her decision without fail. But she should make sure that she tries her level best to explain the medical complications of this procedure to her family members to the best of her ability rather just snubbing them by labelling them ignorant.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Importance of Amaterasu Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Amaterasu Essay Amaterasu is a very important figure in Japanese lore. According to Shinto belief she is a direct line of the Imperial family. Many religions have an origin story, a story that accounts for where everything originated. The Japanese origin story is no different. The Kojiki is the oldest written stories in Japanese History. From this we will begin our Journey. Inside the Kojiki it holds stories about the Gods, how they came into existence and may other stories. One of the most important Gods in Japanese culture is Amaterasu. Amaterasu is a Kami or â€Å"God† of the Shinto religion. She is the Goddess of the Sun, and daughter of Izanagi. Izanagi â€Å"The Male Who Invites† and Izanami â€Å"Female Who Invites† were the Gods that were sent to create a world. They then created Japan and all other Gods here. When Izanami gave birth to the Fire God he burned her severely and she didn’t survive the ordeal. Izanagi is said to have killed the infant and from his death many other Gods sprung about from his blood. When Izanagi lost his wife he became saddened and enraged. He sulked until he decided to bring his wife back from the dead. Izanagi then went to the land of the dead or â€Å"Yomi† to retrieve Izagani. When he found her she had built a house for herself there. He then persuaded her to leave with him back to the land of the living and she promised to do so as long as he did not look at her. Missing his wife dearly he disobeyed and did so anyway. He see’s that she has become a rotten decaying corpse. Enraged that he had saw her this was she sent the eight Thunder Gods and many others after him. When they failed she went after him herself. Izagani managed to escapes and closed the exit with a boulder. Iazgani then went to cleanse himself after the trip to Yomi. As he purified himself, from his left eye Amaterasu â€Å"Heaven Shining Great August Deity†, from his right eye came Tsukuyomi â€Å"His Augustness, Moon Night Possessor†, and from his nose Susanoo â€Å"His Brave Swift impetuous Male Augustness† were born. The Kojiki goes on to say that Amaterasu sent her Grandson Ninigi to rule The Central Land of Reed Plains. He was sent down with the eight-foot long curved jewels, The Mirror that was used to lure Amaterasu out of the cave, and The Herb Quelling Great Sword. These are today known as Japan’s 3 sacred Treasures. Ninigi eventually had a grandson named Jimmy Tenno who became the first emperor of Japan. This is significant in Japanese history because Imperial family rules by Devine right, meaning they are direct descendants of Amaterasu. The Shinto religion is a way of life in Japan. The Japanese people take pride in who they are and of their ancestry with the Gods. Amaterasu is a staple in Shinto religion; their flag of a rising sun is evident of this. Every religion has background and this is Japans.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Effects of Caffeine on 30m Multiple Sprint Performance

Effects of Caffeine on 30m Multiple Sprint Performance ABSTRACT The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of caffeines proposed ergogenic capabilities upon human sprint times and performance. Twelve female sports students (20  ± 2 yr, 1.64  ± 0.05 m, 58.9  ± 3.9 kg) were utilized as the subjects for this investigation which was conducted in the Oxstalls Sport Hall, Gloucester, using the light gate equipment. All subjects were familiarized with the experimental design and apparatus before proceeding. The necessary forms were signed by the participants and personal information acquired. Subjects were administered either caffeine (5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of body mass) or placebo, and ingested the substance 1 hour prior to testing in a single blind fashion. After a 5 minute warm up, 12 x 30 metre sprints were performed by each subject with a 30 second interval between each sprint. The experiment was repeated a week later using the same procedure but with the participants taking the opposite substance to the previous weeks test. Subsequent to the interpretation of the data, fastest sprint time (s), mean sprint time (s), fatigue and RPE were obtained. All of which were examined statistically, the paired t-test was used as a test of significance, the mean as a measure of central tendency and standard deviation as a measure of reliability and variance. Fastest sprint times decreased from 5.34  ± 0.27 s to 5.27  ± 0.25 s when taking caffeine compared to placebo. Mean sprint times decreased slightly from 5.56  ± 0.29 s to 5.55  ± 0.29 s when consuming caffeine. RPE again showed a slight decrease from 14  ± 1 to 13  ± 1 using Borgs (1982) 6-20 scale after caffeine ingestion. Using the fatigue index as recommended by Glaister et al. (2004), caffeine showed an increase (5.16  ± 1.91) compared to placebo (4.13  ± 1.51). It was concluded that 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of body mass of caffeine did have a significant effect on fastest sprint time and RPE, and that fatigue was heightened when taking caffeine. Though it did not have any significant ergogenic effects on mean sprint times at the p CHAPTER 1.0 INTRODUCTION Deliberate ingestion of caffeine within sport is the focus for this study. It is caffeines supposed ergogenic properties in relation to sporting performance which will be investigated. Caffeine, also known chemically as trimethylxanthine, is one of the most common drugs in the world, with the benefit of having minimal health risks attached to taking it (Graham, 2001). It is among the most widely used drugs because of its ubiquitous occurrence in commonly consumed beverages such as coffee, tea and cola. Many drugs contain caffeine and are readily accessible to the public in the form of over the counter (OTC) stimulants and combination analgesics. Due to this accessibility and its social acceptance, caffeine plays a major part in the western diet, with over 80% of the adult population consuming the drug on a daily basis through various methods (Schwenk, 1997). With caffeine consumption being so common, its positive and negative effects are noticed so easily. The study will look into its potential positive ergogenic effects due to its ever increasing popularity in sporting performance. Earlier studies by Pasman et al. (1995), Bell and McLellan (2002), Greer et al. (2000), Graham and Spriet (1995), regarding caffeines ergogenicity, are linked to effects upon endurance times rather than sprint performance. Increased endurance performance is supported by many of the studies, and rarely have they found to be no effect (Butts and Crowell, 1985) and (Falk et al., 1990). Due to it ergogenic properties, caffeines popularity has increased in sporting contexts. This investigation is primarily concerned with attempting to assess caffeines effectiveness as an ergogenic aid in respect of its effects upon the anaerobic energy system, and its subsequent relevance to sprint times and fatigue in women. By implementing multiple sprint tests, this will provide the necessary data required for evaluating the anaerobic energy system, sprint times and fatigue. Caffeine is a natural substance, which is utilized every day, whether it is in food, drink, medicine and more importantly for the purpose of this study, sport. It is caffeines ability to be used in a number of ways, which makes it an ever increasing drug in society. Applegate and Grivetti (1997) has claimed that caffeine has been used as a means of masking fatigue since the early 1900s, the use of this ergogenic aid became popular following widely publicized research indicating improved endurance performance. There may be other factors contributing to its increase in popularity over the years. For example, caffeine is seen as a socially acceptable drug in society, as mentioned earlier, its minimal health risks has made the substance generally recognized as safe (GRAS) according to the food and drug administration (FDA), meaning the intentional consumption of caffeine becomes less stigmatized. Another possible factor behind its popularity is the ever increasing demand for athletes to achieve and the pressure being placed upon them by themselves and outside sources. Such demands being placed on athletes at all levels, ranging from recreational to professional, will inevitably cause participants to seek out an advantage and give into the persuasion of the stimulants which is being forced upon them. Thus, leading to companies promoting and persuading athletes to use their products to achieve the best performance possible. Due to the increasingly competitive arena in which athletes find themselves, the promotion of performance enhancing substances are surrounding them almost daily. The legality and use of ergogenic aids such as caffeine has caused many debates and varied opinions about its uses in competitive sport. There are currently three categories in which substances can be classed; legal, controlled and illegal. In 1967, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned all performance enhancing drugs (PEDs). The formation of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in 1999 took over the IOCs responsibilities regarding PEDs. The World Anti-Doping Agency reviewed the banned substances list in 2004 and changed the legality of caffeine, allowing athletes to take the substance. Though the caffeine is defined as legal, WADA are still monitoring athletes in order to detect any patterns of misuse within the sport. Caffeines positive ergogenic effects have been well documented in numerous sports, but caffeine consumption in sports like darts, archery and snooker can have a detrimental effect upon performance. The absorption of caffeine can lead to an increase in heart rate, restlessness, anxiety and hypertension, all of which could have a damaging effect upon sporting performance. However, in spite of some possible negative effects in a slight number of sports, caffeines popularity is ever increasing as a legal performance enhancer. Manufacturers of sporting performance supplements have, through their market research, recognized the increasing popularity and attraction of using performance enhancing supplements. Companies have tapped into a bona fide consumer need for energy. As a result of this, the market place has been flooded with masses of supposedly ergogenic concoctions. The market for energy products has grown tremendously, leaping from a niche market for endurance athletes to mainstream customers. Many products take the form of drinks containing caffeine, Red Bull is still the leader in that category, with about 50% of the market share. Since the emergence of Red Bull many copycat drinks have been produced and marketed as a performance enhancer. These drinks contain excessive amounts of caffeine and have been promoted as an ergogenic aid, though in many countries, energy drinks have been banned due to its potential health risks, especially with regards to children. The problem with proving the ergogenic effects of drinks like these is the varying tolerance levels of each individual, which according to Kendler and Prescott (1999) can depend on many factors, including caffeine consumption patterns, age, body weight and physical condition. In spite of this, athletes will still consume the caffeine products in order to gain that advantage and improve performance without realising some of the negative effects, such as dehydration. Extreme caffeine consumption can lead to possible side effects, which many consumers are oblivious too. Some of which are restlessness, diarrhoea, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and in extreme circumstances, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia. It is important to consume caffeine in moderation; those who ingest large amounts regularly and then try to decrease their intake by a substantial amount can cause problems for themselves. Caffeine withdrawal can lead to symptoms such as sleepiness, irritability, headaches and in rare circumstances, nausea and vomiting. Phillips-Buteand Lane (1997) has suggested that headaches caused by caffeine withdrawal are due to the appropriate mechanisms of the body becoming oversensitive to adenosine. Due to this, blood pressure will drop excessively and cause excess blood in the head, leading to a headache. Still, with all the possible side effects of excessive consumption and withdrawal symptoms, caffeines popularity amongst the general public is unwavering. Companies are still promoting the benefits of caffeine without indulging in its flaws, particularly in the sporting sector, meaning its popularity raises even further. This investigation is concerned with how performance in sport can be improved by increased sprint speed and a decrease in fatigue after caffeine ingestion. Improvements in an athletes speed over short distances is vital in many sports, as the intensity and the pace of games are increasing in the current era. Such improvements can help in field and court sports such as football, tennis and hockey to name a few. Having the ability to run that split second quicker than an opposing athlete may make a dramatic impact upon the sporting performance, and most importantly the result. There has been a steady increase in the number of studies examining the effects of caffeine upon high intensity, short duration exercises, and more specifically, repeated sprints. This area is still up for investigation as caffeines ergogenic benefits are not so clear cut, as they are in endurance exercise. Many studies have produced results either supporting or diminishing any relationship between caffeine and repeated sprint performance, but each study varies on its reason behind such change. The study undertaken by Glaister (2008) found results of that support a clear ergogenic effect of caffeine on repeated sprints but stated that further research is required to establish the mechanisms of this response. Papers by Glaister (2008), Stuart (2005), Paton (2001) and Crowe (2006) shall provide a solid base for research and literature regarding multiple sprints or high intensity short duration exercises. The rationale of this study is to evaluate and research the available literature, and moreover to examine in larger detail the responsible functions and mechanisms within the body that manipulate and contribute to the possible enhancement of sprint performance following an ingested dose of caffeine. The main purpose of this study is to conclude whether or not an administered dose of caffeine will improve sprint performance and to conclude whether caffeine is ergogenic in this specific subject area. The objective will be tested and achieved by firstly administering a certain dosage of caffeine subsequent to a pre test. Then after a certain period of absorption this will be followed by 12 x 30 metre sprints, which will hopefully provide the necessary results for the assessment of fastest and mean sprint times, followed by fatigue and RPE values. The methodology will be executed as efficiently and as accurately as possible, limiting the likelihood of any discrepancies creeping in and influencing the overall evaluation of results. The outcome of this investigation is expected to be valuable to the sporting world, and especially to athletes that partake in sports associated with the demands of fast sprints, such as those mentioned earlier. It will provide the necessary knowledge and allow athletes to consider the option of indulging in the use of what is at present a legal stimulant, helping them to optimize their sporting performances. CHAPTER 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 -Previous Studies The involvement of an all female participant group in this study means it opens up a new area of research. Previous research involving caffeine and exercise has always used a solely male or mixed sex sample. Bell and McLellan (2002) used 15 males and 6 females for their study, Crowe et al. (2006) also followed suit and used 12 males to only 5 females. More specifically, affects of caffeine in multiple sprint tests and short term high intensity exercises has provided an even more bias participant sample. A study by Paton et al. (2001) on the effects of caffeine ingestion on repeated sprints in team-sport athletes used 16 male participants. The most important study being that of Glaister et al. (2008) into the supplementation of caffeine in multiple sprint running performances, this study looked at 21 male participants and excluded females all together. Many of these studies have used forms of exercise and equipment for testing that are available to women. This distinct lack of researc h on solely women participants regarding the effects of caffeine has created a chance to look into this trend and the possible reasons behind it. WHY NOT SO MUCH ON WOMENâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SEXES AND CAFFEINES EFFECTS. Biological differences between the 2 sexes may cause researchers to use mainly male participants. Although males and females are very much the same in build, there are some aspects that may vary and cause one of the sexes to act differently.A study by Farag et al. (2006) found that on the placebo session, men and women showed a significant BP increase to stress, although women had significant cardiac responses whereas men had vascular responses, therefore proving that males and females react differently to certain conditions. DIFFERENCE OF EFFECTS OF CAFFEIENE. WHY SPRINTING TEST LIMITATIONS MENSTRUAL CYCLE, CONTRACEPTIVE, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. The liver needed for caffeine metabolism. In healthy adults, caffeines half-life is approximately 4.9 hours. In women taking oral contraceptives this is increased to 5-10 hours (Meyer et al., 1999) and in pregnant women the half-life is roughly 9-11 hours (Ortweiler et al., 1985). 2.2 Mechanisms of Ergogenicity Caffeine acts as an A1 and A2a adenosine receptor antagonist, regular consumption of caffeine is associated with an up regulation of the number of these adenosine receptors in the vascular and neural tissues of the brain (Fredholm et al, 1999). Caffeine is metabolized in the tolerance for it; regular users do however develop a strong tolerance to this effect (Maughan Griffin, 2003). Studies by Armstrong et al (2007) have generally failed to support the common notion that ordinary consumption of caffeinated beverages contributes significantly to dehydration. RELIABILITY OF MULTIPLE SPRINT TEST GENDER DIFFERENCES RPE FATIGUE FASTEST MEAN PLACEBO DOSE The dosage from caffeine studies have ranged from 1-15mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1. The optimal dose has not been determined because it may vary according to the sensitivity of the individual to caffeine. However, Cadarette et al. (1982) found doses between 3and 6mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 produce an equivalent ergogenic effect to higher doses, and this has led Graham et al. (2000) to suggest that the optimal dose thus lies in this lower range. Using the findings established by others, participants will be administered 5mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 for the purpose of this research. Time After Ingestion Recent research from Bell and McLellan (2002) found that only exercise times 1and 3hours after drug ingestion were significantly greater than the respective placebo trials of 23.3 ±6.5,23.2 ±7.1,and 23.5 ±5.7min. For this research, the multiple sprints will take part 35 minutes after ingestion of the caffeine tablet, due to practical and time implications. Even though caffeine has a half-life of 4-6 hours, this implies that high levels of caffeine will be in the blood for up to 3-4 hours after ingestion, most studies have focused on exercise performance 1 hour after ingestion. Bonati et al. (1982) made the assumption that the ergogenic effect is related to the circulating level of the drug in the blood. Thus maximal effects are assumed to occur 1 hour after ingestion, when peak blood concentrations are observed. Studies by Nehlig and Derby (1994) suggested that waiting 3hours may be more optimal because the caffeine-induced effect on lipolysis is greater than at earlier times a fter ingestion. However, the hypothesis that the ergogenic effect from caffeine is due to an enhanced free fatty acid mobilization and tissue utilization has not found much support in the recent literature. On Exercise Using 24 well trained cyclists, Hogervorst et al. (2008) established that not only does a bar containing 100mg of caffeine have an impact on physiological endurance performance but also a complex cognitive ability during and after exercise. Crowe et al. (2006) conducted a similar test involving cycling and found both positive and negative results from the caffeine/placebo supplementation. Plasma caffeine concentrations significantly increased after caffeine ingestion; however, there were no positive effects on cognitive or blood parameters except a significant decrease in plasma potassium concentrations at rest. Potentially negative effects of caffeine included significantly higher blood lactate compared to control and significantly slower time to peak power in exercise bout 2 compared to control and placebo. Caffeine had no significant effect on peak power, work output, RPE, or peak heart rate. On Short Sprints There have been many studies that have looked at the effects of caffeine on short sprints or short duration high intensity exercises, which recreate in game scenarios from team sports. A study by Stuart et al (2005) on rugby players showed that caffeine is likely to produce substantial enhancement of several aspects of high-intensity team-sport performance. The effects of caffeine on mean performance ( ±90% confidence limits) on sprint speeds were, 0.5% ( ±1.7%) through 2.9% ( ±1.3%), showing a stong positive correlation regarding sprint speeds. The study involved straight line sprints but also consisted of tests to measure passing accuracy, agility and power. A more specific study by Glaister et al (2008) focused on the effects of caffeine on multiple sprints, this involved 12 x 30 metre sprints with 35 second intervals. Relative to placebo, caffeine supplementation resulted in a 0.06-s (1.4%) reduction in fastest sprint time (95% likely range = 0.04-0.09 s), which corresponde d with a 1.2% increase in fatigue (95% likely range = 0.3-2.2%). The study found that caffeine has ergogenic properties with the potential to benefit performance in both single and multiple sprint sports, although the effect of recovery duration on caffeine-induced responses to multiple sprint work requires further investigation. In contrast, Paton et al (2001) had a similar study design but the observed effect of caffeine ingestion on mean sprint performance and fatigue over 10 sprints was negligible. The true effect on mean performance could be small at most, although the true effects on fatigue and on the performance of individuals could be somewhat larger. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of caffeine on mean sprint times (s), fastest sprint times (s), RPE and fatigue from 30m multiple sprints. By using female participants this develops a new area of research as previous research is focused solely on male or mixed participants. 2.3 Resulting Hypotheses After reviewing the literature, hypotheses were formulated for the purpose of this study. Hypothesis 1: H0 There will be no significant difference in fastest sprint times following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine as compared to the non caffeine condition. Ha There will be a significant difference in fastest sprint times following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine as compared to the non caffeine condition. Hypothesis 2: H0 There will be no significant difference in mean sprint times following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine as compared to the non caffeine condition. Ha There will be a significant difference in mean sprint times following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine as compared to the non caffeine condition. Hypothesis 3: H0 There will be no significant difference in rate of perceived exertion (RPE) following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine, compared to the non caffeine condition. Ha There will be a significant difference in rate of perceived exertion (RPE) following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine, compared to the non caffeine condition. Hypothesis 4: H0 There will be no significant difference in fatigue following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine compared to the non caffeine condition. Ha There will be a significant difference in fatigue following the consumption of 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of caffeine compared to the non caffeine condition. CHAPTER 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Subjects Twelve female subjects (20  ± 2 yr, 1.64  ± 0.05 m, 58.9  ± 3.9 kg) from the University of Gloucestershire volunteered to take part in this investigation which was conducted in the Sports Hall at the Oxstalls Campus.All subjects participated in a multiple sprint sport on a regular basis. They played one of tennis, badminton, squash, football, hockey, rugby and lacrosse for the university and at a moderate standard so therefore were considered to have a sound level of baseline fitness. Participants from these teams trained at least once a week and were also involved in a match once a week. Before proceeding with the test, all of the subjects were informed of the testing procedure and how the data was going to be used in this study. Participants were given a list, outlining suitable kit to wear for the tests. Questionnaires were handed out to the participants to find out how many hours a week they participated in sport and their daily caffeine consumption levels. Before commencing, the participants filled out a health questionnaire to enable participation and signed an informed consent form. The subjects were advised to maintain their normal diet over the duration of the last two experimental runs, and were advised not to drink or eat 1 hour before testing. It was also important not to consume any caffeine, alcohol or any other stimulant products from a list provided to them, at least 24 hours before each experimental test and not to perform any strenuous exercise 24 hours prior to testing. Any subjects not being able to comply with the guidelines were eliminated from t he test. 3.2 Experimental Procedures All the participants undertook 3 multiple sprint tests in total, 1 familiarization test to get use to the experiment and outline any problems and then the latter 2 will were the repeated measures experimental tests. These tests consisted of 12 x 30m straight sprints and were repeated at 30 second intervals. Light gates (Brower Timing Light Gate System) were set up at either end of the 30m track to record times. Regarding the last two trials they were conducted single blinded so that results could be compared between the two groups. All the trials were run at approximately the same time of day and spaced a couple of days apart. Personal information from each participant including age, height (SC126 wall mounted Stadiometer : Holtain Limited, Crymych, Dyfed), and body mass (Seca 888 electronic personal scale : seca gmbh and co Ltd, Medizinsche Waggen und Messsysteme), were collected at the familiarization test too, ready for the experimental tests. After the final test, participants w ere asked if they could identify the difference between the placebo and caffeine and to express their reasons for this. The testing was performed in a controlled environment, using an indoor sports hall with a hard solid ground with inbuilt shock pads under the surface. Data being collected was average speed (ms-1), RPE, fatigue and fastest and slowest sprint times (s). All equipment was calibrated prior to testing. 3.3 Pre-Test On the day of each experimental run, participants were administered either the placebo or caffeine 1 hour before the testing is due to start in order for the affect of caffeine to be absorbed into their system. The caffeine dosage administered was 5 mgˆâ„ ¢kg-1 of body mass; rounding to the nearest 50mg. 10 minutes before each multiple sprint test participants undertook a standardized warm up which lasted for approximately 5 minutes. It included a 400 metre jog at their own pace, a series of sprint drills incorporating high knees, heel flicks and walking lunges to replicate the test and some practice sprints. Five minutes before the test, participants performed some stretches and gave themselves some time to get ready physically and mentally. 3.4 Testing In order to prevent false triggering with the light gates, participants started 1 m behind the line. The gates were set up at the start line and 30m along on the finish line. After the sprint, the subjects stayed down the same end as they finished in order to maximise recovery time between sprints, this lasted for 30 seconds. The countdown for each sprint was performed manually and will last 5 seconds. Each participant was verbally encouraged by others in order for them to try and work at their maximal effort. 3.5 Data Collection and Statistical Analysis With regards to the reliability of multiple sprints testing, it has previously been established by Glaister et al (2007) that high degrees of test-retest reliability can be obtained in many multiple sprint running indices without the need for prior familiarization. However, for this experiment, the familiarization test helped the researcher get use to the testing procedures to allow smother running on the experimental runs. Average speed (ms-1) for each participant was calculated using the timing gates, along with this, fastest and slowest sprint times were recorded too. Each participant was asked their rating of perceived exertion (RPE) after every sprint using Borgs (1982) 6-20 scale. The last component being measured was the effects of caffeine on fatigue from the multiple sprints, by using the percentage decrement calculation as used by Glaister et al (2004): Fatigue = (100 x (total sprint time/ideal sprint time)) 100 The total sprint time is the sum of all the sprints by the participant, divided by the ideal time, which is the time of the fastest sprint multiplied by how many sprints that were performed. Multiply the answer by 100 and then subtract 100 and you get the fatigue index of the individual. Data will be analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for Windows. This way comparison between the two data sets can be made. The test used was a repeated measures dependant t-test, with a 95% confidence level. This is used when there is only one sample that has been tested twice (repeated measures). If the calculated statistical significance (95% confidence level), then the null hypothesis (H0) which states that the two groups do not differ is rejected in favour of the hypothesis, which states that the groups do differ and that there is an effect. 3.6 Facilities and Equipment Gaining access to facilities and equipment will need to be addressed in advance so that equipment isnt already booked out and that the facility is booked early enough so that it gives enough time to analyse results and write up the final proposal before the submission deadline. As the test was undertaken in the University Sports hall it was easier to book out than that of a public hall. The hall was booked out through phoning the university sports office and organising a time suitable for both needs. For the purpose of the study a wall mounted stadiometer, stopwatch, scales, placebo, light gates, a computer with a statistical analysis program and caffeine tablets were acquired. 3.7 Budget All costs were identified before the study was undertaken. None of the participants were paid for their participation. The hall was booked out for three 1 hour slots equating to  £60 ( £20 per hour), due to the affiliation with the University the hall was free of charge but if it was to be booked by a member of the public, these costs would need to be included. The cost of the caffeine was  £10 for ninety 200mg tablets, and the placebo pills cost  £3 per 50. 3.8 Ethical Considerations The participants received a voluntary informed consent form, which outlined the procedure, how the data was collected and how the data was used and by who. The data will be kept private under the Data Protection Act 1998 and data cant be linked to an individual participant. All participants were above the age of 18 so that they can give their own consent, also they were participating voluntarily. A health questionnaire was administered to find out any potential health risks, along with a list stating the possible effects of caffeine. Once all this information was given, participants were given the chance to refrain from participating. Participants were told that placebo was given instead of caffeine to half the population and not to the other half. There is a sense of deception due to the participants not knowing if they are taking the caffeine or the placebo, but there is no medical risk and if told it can affect the results of the study. 3.9 Temporal Plan WEEKS Objective 1 2 3

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Positive Effects Of Social Networking Media Essay

Positive Effects Of Social Networking Media Essay The first type of social networking created was Email, which was invented in 1975 (Email). Since then social networking has advanced into a profile with numerous features that can be used and has integrated the use of email. Now social networking is changing the way the world interacts with people, and has provided many useful tools for the world to use. Still these social networks are continuing to advance to provide better features for users, and these popular sites will continue to grow in size. Even though social networks can have negative effects such as wasting time, it also affects people positively by allowing people to communicate and remain in contact with friends in a much easier way. In the article Are social networking sites good for our society? (2009) social networking is defined as an online community that allow people to develop profiles of their backgrounds and interests, communicate with friends and strangers, and share thoughts, photos, Internet links, music, and more (p.1). Once a social network is joined users are prompted to identify others in the system with which they have a relationship known generally as friends. Social networking sites vary greatly with the features they have to offer, and is what makes each site different from the other. Six Degrees was the first major social network, similar to social networking today, to be launched and was launched in 1997 (Bhutkar, 2009). Social networking as it is today did not become popular until 2003 when Friendster MySpace and LinkedIn were launched. Then in 2004 Facebook was launched but was only open to college students with a valid university email. Facebook remained a college only network for two yea rs before it opened to the general public in 2006. Since then Facebook has become the number one social networking site (Bhutkar, 2009). Social networking sites allow people to communicate and remain in contact with friends as well as meet new people. These sites allow people to find others with similar interests that they can create a relationship with and get to know one another. Groups can be joined or formed to meet people with similar interests, and views. Social networking allows for creative expression by using tools such as blogging and messaging to post ideas and stories (Are social networking sites good for our society, 2009). Users also share poems, interest in music, TV shows, hobbies, photos, and many other things (Jasson). Event invitations can be made and sent to friends rather than having to mail invitations and friends can also rsvp for an event on the site. Not only is it used to talk to friends, but it is also used to discuss educational topics. Social networking is said to increase a persons quality of life, and can reduce health risks. Many people report that they have not had any negative experiences with social networking, and schools are starting to look at it as an educational tool (Thelwell, 2006). The use of social networking helps improve technological skills of students, and exposes them to many diverse views about things. It also has helped with communication skills, and allows the learning of cultures from users all over the world. Also students use social networking to discuss homework topics with peers online, and to get help on assignments (Reid, 2009). Sixty percent of students on social networks have said that they talk about education, and 50 percent specifically talk about school work assignments. These students seem to have an extraordinary set of traditional and 21st century skills including communication, creativi ty, collaboration, and leadership skills and technology proficiency. Parents are expecting schools to take advantage of using online social networking to educate children, but to do so in a safe way. Some public schools have created a secure social network for its student to be able to communicate with other students, and to do so in a more safe way (National School Board Association, 2007). Social Networking does not just benefit individuals, but it also benefits businesses as well. These sites allow businesses to advertise and market services to a large audience, and a profile is free to set up (Gillin). Numerous businesses have created profiles that provide detailed information about the business to advertise in a low cost way (Roberts, 2008). Businesses will gain more attention on social networks because the business profile is available to for all users of the social network to see. Also businesses like to use social networks to learn what potential employees are like, and make decisions based on the information provided on the persons profile (Ellison, Steinfield, Lampe, 2007). Social networking has already completely changed the way people interact in the world, but also it is advancing more to make it easier to access. Now social networking is becoming mobile and can be accessed through the use of a cell phone. It is thought to be a great idea and would increase the use of social networking since a lot of people carry cell phones with them at all times. People can use mobile phones to update their status, post comments, upload photos, send messages, and update profile from just about anywhere (Kharif, 2006). This allows people to be able to get things done as well as take some time to log onto social networks. Making social networks accessible through cell phones is also expected to increase the number of users by a significant amount (Gillin). So far mobile social networking is being used more than social networking from pc computers. The top sites that are being visited using mobile phones are Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo. Being able to access social net works from the cell phone unlocks the full potential of social network, and makes it more convenient for people to use. Since it is more convenient to use the number of users has increased and the mobile social networking has increased significantly (Hamblen, 2008). Social networking does have negative effects as well, but are nothing compared to the advantages of using it. These sites reduce the amount of face to face socializing and replace it with online interaction which is believed to result in low quality relationships with other people (Mikami, Szwedo, Allen, Evans, Hare, 2010). Teens over share information to the public that can hurt them in the future when trying to get a job, and deleting the information is not good enough. Cyber bullying occurs as well, which is bullying people online in a public way, but occurs at a small percentage. People that frequently use online social networking are also prone to social isolation which can lead to depression and decreased social skills (Mikami, Szwedo, Allen, Evans, Hare, 2010). A false sense of security leaves social networking site users vulnerable to security attacks such as hacking, leaking sensitive information, and sending viruses. Identity theft can occur when a cybercriminal uses the network to gather personal information posted about people (University of the Pacific). It also has been said that social networking sites endanger children by allowing pedophiles to seek out children (Are social networking sites good for our society?). Also since they are becoming mobile it might encourage people to use cell phone to access these sites while driving just like text messaging was a popular thing to do while driving. Social networking becoming mobile use will increase cell phone use and the problem with that is that cell phones have been found to emit electromagnetic radiation that is absorbed by the brain and body. This absorption disrupts the brain sites for memory and learning and can cause confusion and forgetfulness (Thomas, 2004). It is also been reported that cell phones can cause cancer from the electromagnetic exposure to other parts of the body, but little emphasis has been placed on it. The cause of cancer in the brain has been the main health concern with cell phones, which social networking by mobile phone is not exposing the brain to the waves. Also, cell phones give small amounts of radiation off and would require a lot of use and over a long period of time for it to start to cause cancer. Research is needed to provide evidence to determine that actual health risk of cell phones. Social networking has its advantages and its disadvantages like everything else does. The sites are continuously advancing, and changing to fix the negative problems. One example would be accessing social networking sites using cell phones so that people can access the site on the go rather than sit at home on a computer. Most users have stated that they have had only positive experiences with social networking, and very few people experience cyber bullying. There are still problems that need to be fixed, but it seems that the positive effects outweigh the negative effects. Social networking is a very valuable tool that can be used to meet new people, and allow people to remain in contact with friends. Even though it can waste time, social networking positively affects the world by allowing people to communicate, and remain in contact with friends in an easy and convenient way.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Identity Crisis in Canadian Film Essay -- Canada Movie Movies Films es

Identity Crisis in Canadian Film Much has been written about the ways in which Canada's state as a nation is, as Peter Harcourt writes, "described" and hence, "imagined" (Harcourt, "The Canadian Nation -- An Unfinished Text", 6) through the cultural products that it produces. Harcourt's terms are justifiably elusive. The familiar concept of "Canadian culture", and hence Canadian cinema, within critical terminology is essentially based on the principle that the ideology of a national identity, supposedly limited by such tangible parameters as lines on a map, emerges from a common geographical and mythological experience among its people. The concept that cultural products produced in Canada will be somehow innately "Canadian" in form and content first presupposes the existence of such things as inherently Canadian qualities that can be observed. Second, it presupposes a certain commonality to all Canadian artists and posits them as vessels through which these said "inherently Canadian qualities" can naturally flow. T hird, it also assumes the loosely Lacanian principle that Canadian consumers of culture are predisposed to identify and enjoy the semiotic and mythological systems of their nation, and further connotes that Canadians have fair access to their own cultural products. Since these assumptions are indeed flawed but not altogether false, this paper will deal with the general relationship between the concept of Canada, its cultural texts, and its mythological and critical discourse as an unresolved problematic that should be left "open" in order to maximize the "meaning potential" of films as cultural texts within the context of "national identity," an ideological construct that remains constantly in flux. However pr... ...cate American entertainment films. But what was the cost to the development of Canada's supposed "cultural identity" and the perogative of the Canadian filmmaker to make a film without mimicking Classic Hollywood style and theme? Toward the mid-1980s, following the demise of the Capital Cost Allowance tax shelter in 1982, the "success" of a Canadian film was determined less by its forecast box office potential. The trend in the late 1970s and the early 1980s towards what Ted Magder calls the "If you can't beat `em join `em" (Magder, 169) relationship with the commercial Hollywood production infrastructure, was met in the mid-1980s by an equally vehement movement, which maintained that the infiltration of American culture and the adoption of their economic or "big-business" approach was precisely the problem with the Canadian film industry, and hence Canadian films. Identity Crisis in Canadian Film Essay -- Canada Movie Movies Films es Identity Crisis in Canadian Film Much has been written about the ways in which Canada's state as a nation is, as Peter Harcourt writes, "described" and hence, "imagined" (Harcourt, "The Canadian Nation -- An Unfinished Text", 6) through the cultural products that it produces. Harcourt's terms are justifiably elusive. The familiar concept of "Canadian culture", and hence Canadian cinema, within critical terminology is essentially based on the principle that the ideology of a national identity, supposedly limited by such tangible parameters as lines on a map, emerges from a common geographical and mythological experience among its people. The concept that cultural products produced in Canada will be somehow innately "Canadian" in form and content first presupposes the existence of such things as inherently Canadian qualities that can be observed. Second, it presupposes a certain commonality to all Canadian artists and posits them as vessels through which these said "inherently Canadian qualities" can naturally flow. T hird, it also assumes the loosely Lacanian principle that Canadian consumers of culture are predisposed to identify and enjoy the semiotic and mythological systems of their nation, and further connotes that Canadians have fair access to their own cultural products. Since these assumptions are indeed flawed but not altogether false, this paper will deal with the general relationship between the concept of Canada, its cultural texts, and its mythological and critical discourse as an unresolved problematic that should be left "open" in order to maximize the "meaning potential" of films as cultural texts within the context of "national identity," an ideological construct that remains constantly in flux. However pr... ...cate American entertainment films. But what was the cost to the development of Canada's supposed "cultural identity" and the perogative of the Canadian filmmaker to make a film without mimicking Classic Hollywood style and theme? Toward the mid-1980s, following the demise of the Capital Cost Allowance tax shelter in 1982, the "success" of a Canadian film was determined less by its forecast box office potential. The trend in the late 1970s and the early 1980s towards what Ted Magder calls the "If you can't beat `em join `em" (Magder, 169) relationship with the commercial Hollywood production infrastructure, was met in the mid-1980s by an equally vehement movement, which maintained that the infiltration of American culture and the adoption of their economic or "big-business" approach was precisely the problem with the Canadian film industry, and hence Canadian films.

A Message of Hope in Love Medicine Essay -- Medicine College Admission

A Message of Hope in Love Medicine   Love Medicine, by Louis Eldridge attempts to confront the popular stereotypes of American Indians. The novel generally follows the history of a family of Chippewa Indians who live on and off a reservation. In a thoroughly humanist approach, Ms. Eldrige narrates each chapter in a different voice, and through extremely varied characters effectively shows the diversity of the Indians. This is an important aspect of the novel, as it demonstrates that there is no single stereotypical "Indian". The book begins with two scenes from a modern perspective, showing a turbulent family with fairly disturbing problems. Then the author flashes back to the lives of the Chippewa's family two generations earlier, and moves more or less chronologically to the present day. One of the major conflicts in the story is the reconciliation of the Native Americans to their cultural past, while still embracing the future. The words "Indian", American Indian, or Native American, all bring to mind stereotypes of a race of people with specific stigma attached to themselves in modern American culture. The word "Indian" can conjure up a multiplicity of images, from the barbaric, blood-thirsty savages straight out of a western movie, to the more romantic image of a noble, intelligent, and tribal people, living in harmony with nature. These extremes in the modern stereotyping of the American Indian and all of their various moderations are wrong for a very important reason: They are rooted in the past. The war between popular European culture and Indian culture was over practically before it had even begun. After the frontier closed around the turn of the century all that was left of untouched Indian culture ... ...ety. Lipsha then in his own words, "took an evil shortcut". He purchased frozen turkey's from a store and tried to have them blessed by Catholic priests. This represents the ways in which native Americans lean on the modern day conveniences of Western society. This not only makes their cultural power diminish, it turns the power completely back around on them. In Lipsha's case, the medicine killed his grandfather. The struggle of the native American people today, as illustrated in Love Medicine is one of cultural identity. The other problems of poverty, alcoholism, hate, and infidelity, are only symptoms of the "bad medicine", which is made easy by the omnipresence of Western culture. The message of Love Medicine is one of hope for a people who have everything in the world to despair about, who suffer from a sickness which only one medicine will heal.    A Message of Hope in Love Medicine Essay -- Medicine College Admission A Message of Hope in Love Medicine   Love Medicine, by Louis Eldridge attempts to confront the popular stereotypes of American Indians. The novel generally follows the history of a family of Chippewa Indians who live on and off a reservation. In a thoroughly humanist approach, Ms. Eldrige narrates each chapter in a different voice, and through extremely varied characters effectively shows the diversity of the Indians. This is an important aspect of the novel, as it demonstrates that there is no single stereotypical "Indian". The book begins with two scenes from a modern perspective, showing a turbulent family with fairly disturbing problems. Then the author flashes back to the lives of the Chippewa's family two generations earlier, and moves more or less chronologically to the present day. One of the major conflicts in the story is the reconciliation of the Native Americans to their cultural past, while still embracing the future. The words "Indian", American Indian, or Native American, all bring to mind stereotypes of a race of people with specific stigma attached to themselves in modern American culture. The word "Indian" can conjure up a multiplicity of images, from the barbaric, blood-thirsty savages straight out of a western movie, to the more romantic image of a noble, intelligent, and tribal people, living in harmony with nature. These extremes in the modern stereotyping of the American Indian and all of their various moderations are wrong for a very important reason: They are rooted in the past. The war between popular European culture and Indian culture was over practically before it had even begun. After the frontier closed around the turn of the century all that was left of untouched Indian culture ... ...ety. Lipsha then in his own words, "took an evil shortcut". He purchased frozen turkey's from a store and tried to have them blessed by Catholic priests. This represents the ways in which native Americans lean on the modern day conveniences of Western society. This not only makes their cultural power diminish, it turns the power completely back around on them. In Lipsha's case, the medicine killed his grandfather. The struggle of the native American people today, as illustrated in Love Medicine is one of cultural identity. The other problems of poverty, alcoholism, hate, and infidelity, are only symptoms of the "bad medicine", which is made easy by the omnipresence of Western culture. The message of Love Medicine is one of hope for a people who have everything in the world to despair about, who suffer from a sickness which only one medicine will heal.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles - Talbothay and Tesss Struggle Essa

Tess of the d'Ubervilles - Talbothay and Tess's Struggle   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Tess of the d'Ubervilles, Tess is spiritually homeless. She wanders from place to place, doomed by her guilt to suffer personal ruin. Most of her temporary domiciles are backdrops for unhappiness and uncertainty, but her time at Talbothay's Dairy is ostensibly a period of bliss. What purpose does this segment of the text - which on the surface seems so hopeful - serve? When she begins to work for the dairy and is wooed by Angel Clare, Tess is pulled asunder by two competing forces: nature and society. The happiness and innocent sexual blush she discovers at the Edenic Talbothay solidifies Tess's shift toward natural impulses. These impulses are strong enough to temporarily subdue Tess's crippling shame, and thus establish the text's central moral conflict.    The Talbothay interlude allows Tess to put off making the final plunge into marriage for as long as possible. In a literary limbo, Tess can enjoy her physical awakening without the stain of sin that her previous consummation with Alec had imposed. Were it up to Tess, she would remain in this state of neo-virginity forever, for in it she is anonymous. She is not given the opportunity to live in this state for very long, of course. Angel's ambitions - and these are grand in a conventional sense, despite his misleading antipathy toward social climbing - compel him to make Tess promise to marry him, preparing in her a channel for natural will that allows her to set aside fear of Angel's rejection should he find out about her past. While she at first resists his advances and resigns herself to living without him, she is ultimately vulnerable to desire. We watch nature subsume Tess's i... ... Tess's natural side wins over, but she is then set up for a bitter end because she abdicates herself to Angel's moral indignation, blind to her own natural goodness. This is the tragedy of the text. Because the two sides of the "social chasm that [divide] our heroine's personality" cannot be brought into accord, Tess must lose everything. The Talbothay period shows what a happy community might look like - what her life might have been were it not for the albatross of shame. Talbothay is a shiny foil for the social brutality present in every other phase of Tess's short life. Works Cited and Consulted Beer, Gillian. "Finding a Scale for the Human." Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Ed. Scott Elledge. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1991. Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Ed. Scott Elledge. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1991.